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The Machine That Thinks It's a House
[February 12, 2009]

The Machine That Thinks It's a House

Innovative Research (News - Alert) and Development LLC (IRD), a successful California & Nevada based Real Estate developer, has recently raised the bar on green to an unimaginable level with the announcement of its “Machine That Thinks It’s a House.” Breaking through the price-point barrier that has kept everyday green living out of reach for most, these machines are designed to turn an indulgent lifestyle into an environmentally friendly one via the employment of a series of ingeniously wrapped technologies. “As a company we're committed to one simple concept: build the best house possible at any price point,” states developer Oscar Guerrero. “We now have a laser focus on the 300k market and have come a long way to doing just that, while delivering the same Zero Net/Self Contained features available in our upscale spec homes.”

While the rest of the world works at piecemeal solutions to aiding a planet in peril, IRD has succeeded in making a comprehensive review of all materials, methodologies and practices utilized in the home building industry. Teaming with the design house of Zen-Labs ( they’ve then added to it an eclectic array of mechanical and technical wonders repurposed for its betterment. They are poised to have JADA Homes ( build the first of these machines in the upscale golfing community of Estrella Mountain Ranch (Master Developer, Newland Communities) in Goodyear AZ, just outside of Phoenix.

“These guys are pushing through envelopes I've never heard associated with buildings,” states Jarrett Gorman, preferred builder in Estrella Mountain Ranch. “They’ve got features that grow old with you and adapt to your family's ages and physical abilities. They have literally thought of every aspect of what a home should/could be and gone beyond that. They used the LEED Platinum standards as their lowest standard and coined their own called Environmental Integration – which as best as I can understand means zero waste and 100 percent recyclability. You simply have to check this out.”

The “Machine That Thinks It’s a House” utilizes ingenious cost-effective means drawn from all over the globe to employ dozens of environmentally friendly aspects. Features include hydro-carbon absorbing driveways, building materials that absorb and redistribute energy throughout the home and are sound and fire-proof, water collecting systems, gray water filtration, self-watering gardens, pass-through pantries, rain-on-demand, and a host of other amenities.

“My goal is to create a home that requires minimal environmental and financial cost. Why should I tell you how much hot water to use? My position is to deliver free hot water and recycle 100% of the water that goes down the drain,” says Guerrero. “We have an unprecedented opportunity to wipe the slate clean of the tired machinery we’ve depended upon. The fossil burning mechanical wonders of the 19th century will be replaced by technologies capable of delivering cost effective, non polluting solutions. These technologies are available now, and we intend to employ them. Our desire is to leave a legacy of environmental solutions in place via these newly 'discovered' old technologies, for the benefit of our children and for generations to come.”
For more information contact Oscar Guerrero at [email protected] or 415-269-0554.

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