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Nokia, Siemens confirm talks with private equity on NSN deal
[August 30, 2010]

Nokia, Siemens confirm talks with private equity on NSN deal

(M&A Navigator Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) Finnish handset maker Nokia (HEL:NOK1V) and German electronics maker Siemens (ETR:SIE) confirmed they were negotiating with private equity firms a potential investment in their wireless network equipment joint venture Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN), the Financial Times said Sunday.

The paper quoted Nokia's CFO Timo Ihamuotila as saying that both Nokia and Siemens would remain shareholders in the Dutch-based venture, but are open for fresh capital in it. NSN's chief executive Rajeev Suri told the FT that the company is seeking not only investments, but new ideas as well.

A person in the know told the Financial Times that the possible deal could be valued at up to USD1bn (EUR786m) and added that Nokia Siemens has attracted the interest of numerous potential investors. Earlier this month, informed sources told Reuters that likely suitors include private equity firms Blackstone (NYSE:BX), TPG Capital and Bain Capital.

Country: Netherlands; Sector: Telecommunications Target: Nokia Siemens Networks BV Buyer: Bain Capital LLC; Blackstone Group LP; TPG Capital LP Vendor: Siemens AG; Nokia Oyj Deal size in USD: 1bn Type: Divestment Status: Talks ((Comments on this story may be sent to [email protected])) (c) 2010 M2 COMMUNICATIONS

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