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Opus Deis response to Da Vinci Code allegations
[April 08, 2006]

Opus Deis response to Da Vinci Code allegations

(Philippine Daily Inquirer Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)WITH THE MOVIE THE DA VINCI Code set to open May 19, Opus Dei is taking a soft approach in countering the books allegations that, as a group, it is murderous, misogynic and Machiavellian.

Instead of bringing author Dan Brown to court, Opus Dei opted to talk with Doubleday that published the book and Sony, whose Columbia Pictures made the movie.

Brian Finnerty, New York spokesperson for the Rome-based organization whose 3,000 American members are based in Chicago, where its United States presence began in 1949, said the response was polite and non-committal.

Opus Dei and its 86,000 members worldwide face a different kind of image problem with The Da Vinci Code. Not only is the film expected to be 2006s hottest movie, some 25 million people already have read the book that depicts Opus Deis leader as a bonkers bishop who dispatches an albino monk to brutally dispose of those threatening to blow the Catholic Churchs 2,000-year cover-up of Jesus marriage to Mary Magdalene and the daughter He fathered.

One inaccuracy, among many the organization cited, was there are no monks in Opus Dei, albino or otherwise, said Finnerty.

While were not going to reveal any details about the film until it is released in May, we welcome the discussion inspired by it and hope that it can encourage people to learn more about many of the issues raised by The Da Vinci Code, Jim Kennedy, senior vice president of corporate communications for Sony Pictures Entertainment, said in an e-mail.

Unwilling to take legal action, Rome-based Opus Dei spokesperson Marc Carroggio, in a recent interview, said the organization was also unwilling to allow Da Vinci to define it.

The movie is like a big wave that is going to hit the beach whether we like it or not Were going to try to ride the wave, Finnerty said.... I mean using every opportunity we can to tell the world about the reality of Opus Dei and the reality of the Catholic Church.


Today is Palm Sunday. Jesus rides into Jerusalem in glory, but a day later He is arrested and tortured to die on the Cross on Good Friday. We Christians profess our faith in God, but we dont think twice about offending Him.

Doubleday published The Da Vinci Code and, at the same time, expressed interest in publishing The Way, a collection of points for prayer written by Opus Dei founder Msgr. Josemaria Escriva who was canonized as saint in 2002.

Successful intercession

Servant of God Montserrat Grases, a numerary of Opus Dei, died in 1959 in Barcelona, Spain from Ewings Sarcoma. Immediately after her death, news of her sanctity spread and her intercessions for miracles were answered by God.

I prayed to Montserrat for a non-surgical treatment for the husband of a friend who had a block in his intestines. The prayer was answered.

Those who want prayer cards can write to me c/o PO Box 2050, Manila. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Montserrat Grases, pray for us, especially for our young people

Washing of the feet

The Chapel of Our Mother of the Eucharist and Grace in Barangay San Vicente, Sta. Maria, Bulacan will have the Washing of the Feet of the Apostles at 6 p.m., April 13, Holy Thursday.

After the Mass, the Blessed Sacrament will be brought to the Altar of Repose at 7 p.m. A Holy Hour follows.

At 11:30 p.m., April 15, the Easter Vigil begins. The Salubong takes place at 2 a.m., April 16, to be telecast live on RPN 9.

Santo Entierro

The Knights of Columbus, Fatima Council 6102, escort the Santo Entierro during The Good Friday procession in Our Lady of Fatima in Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite. Lawyer Leon del Rosario, whose family owns the image, is one of them.

During Holy Week, the Santo Entierro, together with other Lenten images, will be displayed in SM Bacoor.

Semana Santa

Al Perez, famous for his paintings of churches, is showing Lenten images and portraits of saints at the Purple Art Gallery until April 25. The gallery is on 4/floor, SM Megamall.


Catch Noli Princepe Manalangs first one-man exhibit of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her various titles. Ave Maria exhibit is at Gallery Genesis, 4/F, SM Megamall.

Feast day

The feast of St. Expeditus, advocate of urgent cases, falls on April 19. Triduum of Masses will be celebrated at 6 p.m., April 17-19, at St. Andrew Cathedral, La Huerta, Paranaque; and at 6:30 p.m., on the same days at the Holy Family Parish in Madre Selva St., Roxas District, Quezon City.

A procession will be held after the 6:30 p.m. Mass on April 19 at the Holy Family Church.

At the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Marilao, Bulacan, there will be Masses at 6:30 a.m. and 6 p.m, April l7-l9, according to Cynthia Sta. Ana-Cruz, a devotee. She said devotion to the saint was popular among Pinoys in California. She got her first novena from a cousin in Los Angeles.

The St. Patrick Cathedral in San Francisco has a statue of St. Expeditus. I was there in l997 and went to thank him for making my trip possible. St. Expeditus is known for his intercessions for the granting of visas and the sale of property.

Visita Iglesia

Monyeen Singson, whose cancer of the colon is on remission, is inviting pilgrims to do the Stations of the Cross and pray the Rosary in Field of Faith in Barangay Lamot, Calauan, Laguna. Text Nene at 0919-3781664.

The Sisters of Mary in Silang, Cavite are inviting people to visit the spring of the Virgin of the Poor and Fr. Als Museum.

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