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PIMCO Survey Finds DC Consulting Business Growing to Serve Increased Needs of DC Plans, Creating Custom Target Strategies, and Adding Diversified Assets Including Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)
[April 25, 2008]

PIMCO Survey Finds DC Consulting Business Growing to Serve Increased Needs of DC Plans, Creating Custom Target Strategies, and Adding Diversified Assets Including Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)

(Market Wire Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) NEWPORT BEACH, CA, April 25 / MARKET WIRE/ --

Investment consultants believe that
defined contribution retirement plans, such as 401(k)s, will increasingly
default participants into target date investment strategies over the next
several years, according to the "PIMCO 2008 Defined Contribution Consulting
Support and Trends Survey" released today by PIMCO, a leading investment
management firm and provider of retirement solutions.

Target date strategies, which automatically rebalance portfolios as they
move toward the investor's expected retirement date, will be the most
prevalent default investment for participants, according to 79% of survey
respondents. Over two-thirds of the firms (68%) actively promote the value
of custom target date strategies, which are typically created using a mix
of core investment offerings in the DC plan. Among the services consultants
provide, glide path management is offered by 76%, while 95% of the firms
surveyed are accepting fiduciary responsibility and 55% are willing to act
as an investment manager.

Two-thirds of investment consultants believe it is critical or very
important to provide inflation protection in a DC plan. The majority said
that preferred asset classes for inflation protection are TIPS, followed by
commodities and real estate. They also see value in diversification into
other assets such as high yield and global fixed income.

"Given the ever-increasing dependence on DC plans as the primary source of
retirement income, we're finding that consulting firms are bringing their
most sophisticated asset allocation capabilities to plan sponsors," said
Stacy Schaus, senior vice president and PIMCO's Defined Contribution
Practice Leader. Schaus notes that custom strategies allow plan sponsors to
offer a blend of best-in-class investment management, as well as the
ability to diversify the asset mix in the way they traditionally have in
defined benefit plans. "Consultants are helping plan sponsors create better
diversified, best-in-class custom strategies with the objective of enabling
plan participants to meet their retirement income goals."

Most consultants (90%) believe plan sponsors should consider creating their
own custom strategies once plan assets exceed one billion, yet even at $200
million in assets nearly two-thirds (62%) believe custom strategies may
make sense for DC plans. As plan sponsors consider creating their own or
selecting a packaged target date product, over a third of consultants (38%)
believe they are likely to consider the probability of meeting a
retirement-income adequacy goal as the most important factor. Volatility of
returns and fees were considered the most important factors by 28% of the

Other Survey Results Include:

-- 69% of consultants reported having a dedicated DC team.
-- 62% use their own proprietary asset allocation models.
-- 66% say a liability-driven investment approach is applicable within a
DC plan.
-- 67% reported plan sponsors are somewhat to highly likely to add a
guaranteed income option within their DC plan, with a Guaranteed Minimum
Withdrawal Benefit most likely.

About PIMCO's DC Practice and Annual Survey

PIMCO's Defined Contribution Practice is dedicated to promoting effective
DC plan design and innovative retirement solutions. Our team is pleased to
support our clients and the broader community by sharing ideas and

developments in DC plans in the hopes of fostering a more secure financial
future for employees of corporations, not-for-profits, governments, and
other organizations.

"PIMCO's 2008 Defined Contribution Consulting Support and Trends Survey"
captures data, trends and opinions from 29 consulting firms across the U.S.
that collectively serve more than 1,400 clients with aggregate DC assets of
nearly $1.4 trillion. For our survey highlights, please contact our DC
Practice at (888) 845-5012 or email us at [email protected].


PIMCO, founded in 1971, is a global asset management firm serving a full
range of institutional and retail investors worldwide. Our reputation as
one of the world's top asset managers rests on our combination of a
long-term investment approach, superior client servicing and cutting edge
technology. With offices in nine countries in North America, Europe and
Asia, we manage investments across a full spectrum of global financial
markets. Our success is built on our goal of consistently providing
attractive returns while maintaining a strong culture of risk management
and long-term discipline. PIMCO is owned by Allianz Global Investors, a
subsidiary of the Munich-based Allianz Group, a leading global insurance

To schedule a phone or television interview with Stacy Schaus about this
survey, PIMCO's DC Practice, or other retirement investment topics, please
call Steven Vames at 212-739-3598 or email [email protected].

Investing in the bond market is subject to certain risks including market,
interest-rate, issuer, credit, and inflation risk. High-yield,
lower-rated, securities involve greater risk than higher-rated securities.
Inflation-linked bonds (ILBs) issued by a government are fixed-income
securities whose principal value is periodically adjusted according to the
rate of inflation; ILBs decline in value when real interest rates rise.
Diversification does not ensure against loss.

This material contains the current opinions of the manager and such
opinions are subject to change without notice. Information contained
herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not
guaranteed. This material has been distributed for informational purposes
only and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation
of any particular security, strategy or investment product.

Steven Vames

Copyright ? 2008 Market Wire, Incorporated

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