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Fixed Wireless Broadband Market To Grow To OVer $1.2 Billion By 2007, Says In-Stat

[January 14, 2004]

Fixed Wireless Broadband Market To Grow To OVer $1.2 Billion By 2007, Says In-Stat

The emergence of new standards will result in a dynamic rate of growth for Fixed Wireless Broadband (FWB), reports In-Stat/MDR. Traditionally, a lack of standards has hampered the deployment of FWB systems, as the proprietary nature of FWB technology kept the cost high, and limited interoperability between different vendors. However, the emergence of FWB-specific standards like 802.16 and 802.20 will help to grow FWB in its three main applications – last mile connectivity, network backhaul, and private networking. As a result, the market will grow from $558.7 million in 2003 to over $1.2 billion by the end of 2007.

"The need for and interest in FWB is already there, with the existence of areas that have yet to be reached by common wireline broadband technologies and those that lack basic copper infrastructure" says Daryl Schoolar, a Senior Analyst with the high-tech market research firm.

"These emerging standards will merely give this market the extra boost that it has needed." Resulting growth will come from more than just low-cost consumer/small business Internet access. Market drivers for emerging FWB applications, such as cellular backhaul and metro Ethernet, along with private networking will all play important roles.

In-Stat/MDR also feels that:
* While the 802.20 standard does deal with some issues that were not originally addressed by 802.16, it will remain a distance second to 802.16 through 2007. This comes from 802.16’s advantage of being first to market, and the forth-coming 802.16e standard support for end-user mobility.
* 802.16 will benefit from the WiMAX forum and its strong member base. According to WiMAX, its members generate over 75% of all fixed wireless broadband equipment sales. * In the third world the real benefit of 802.16 won’t be so much from data delivery, but from its support of voice.

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