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First Independent National TV Ad Expenditure Database Launched By SQAD; NetCosts Provides Most Accurate Picture of Actual Prices Paid by Advertisers
[May 26, 2004]

First Independent National TV Ad Expenditure Database Launched By SQAD; NetCosts Provides Most Accurate Picture of Actual Prices Paid by Advertisers

TARRYTOWN, N.Y. --(Business Wire)-- May 26, 2004 -- The first independent national TV advertising expenditure database based on real costs has been launched by SQAD Inc.

Called NetCosts(TM), the new service tracks actual advertising prices and revenues for network, syndication and cable television in real-time, providing the most accurate data available. It will allow ad agencies and advertisers to evaluate their ad buys against the average rates the market has paid on a unit-by-unit basis, creating much needed transparency in the $30 billion dollar plus national television advertising marketplace.

"NetCosts has the potential to level the buyer/seller playing field by replacing speculation and hearsay with hard data," said Neil Klar, president and chief executive officer, SQAD. "The web-based system includes at least 40 percent of all national TV ad buys in the U.S. It also allows subscribers to see as many as four quarters ahead and gain valuable insight into the upfront market."

NetCosts is an online platform that enables subscribers to view real price changes in the market, CPM and ratings fluctuations by vendor and the no-charge units of each seller. Confidential contributors send advertising expenditure data directly from their media financial management systems rather than through second and third-hand sources.

When asked to review the system, Kagan Research Senior Analyst Derek Baine stated, "There is clear demand in the market for accurate real-time data on spot costs. Many buying decisions are being made on gut feelings and anecdotal information, not on hard data. This is due both to the lag time in reporting for some companies, and the complete lack of data in some segments such as digital cable networks, many of which aren't rated by Nielsen. Bringing clarity to the buying and selling process could be a huge benefit for the industry."

NetCosts offers subscribers a wide variety of reporting options including:

-- Pacing Reports (A two-year trend report providing comparisons of advertising investments by network)

-- CPM Rating Trend Reports (A weekly or monthly analysis of the CPM's and ratings sold by individual networks, including a total industry average)

-- Market Analysis (A barometer of scatter-spending by vendor)

-- Time Period & Programming Analysis (A report that allows users to specify date range, time period and programs to be evaluated)

-- Event Analysis (Provides quarterly and day/date cost detail for all programs within specified categories/quarters)

-- Schedule Analysis (This report benchmarks the cost and CPM of an exact schedule compared to what the market has paid)

-- Forecasting (This report econometrically models and projects future costs based on over $30 billion in transaction history)

For sales information about NetCosts, contact Larry Fried, at 914-524-7600 ext. 34; or via e-mail at [email protected].

About SQAD

SQAD is recognized as the industry standard media cost forecasting source for national TV (network TV, cable and syndication), spot TV, Hispanic spot TV and spot radio. SQAD provides reliable media data to advertising agencies, buying services, advertisers, television and radio stations, cable operators and program syndicators.

SQAD enjoys strong partnerships with market leaders in both data and analytics. Established in the 1970s, SQAD serves 1,500 clients and is privately held.

NetCosts is a trademark of SQAD Inc. All other names are the property of their respective owners.

This document is available on the KCSA Worldwide Website at

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