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Experts express mixed views over Iwakuni plebiscite+
[March 12, 2006]

Experts express mixed views over Iwakuni plebiscite+

(Japan Economic Newswire Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)TOKYO, March 12_(Kyodo) _ Experts on defense and diplomacy had mixed views on the voting results of a Sunday referendum in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture, in which the majority of the city residents voted against a planned relocation of U.S. carrier-based aircraft to the city.

Kazuhisa Ogawa, military analyst, said the result indicates "the government and the supporters of the relocation in the city could not present measures to counter opponents' concerns (over noise and accidents)."

"The government has adopted erratic policies without concrete concepts on how to maintain security and world peace," Ogawa said. "The Iwakuni plebiscite will give power to those who oppose relocating functions of the U.S. Marine Corps Futemma Air Station (from downtown Ginowan to a new airfield on the shores in Nago, both in Okinawa Prefecture)."

Robert Eldridge, associate professor at Osaka University, suggested that Japan and the United States will have to review the relocation plan of the U.S. forces in Japan following the referendum.

Mutual distrust between the two countries will deepen if they fail to realize the relocation, Eldridge pointed out, adding they need to map out a more feasible relocation program under the leadership of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.

Meanwhile, Toshiyuki Shikata, professor at Teikyo University, said he believes the state policy should be prioritized if it differs from the referendum outcome.

"While the central government needs to take the result seriously, there are challenges that it has to carry through even if it faces opposition," Shikata said.

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