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March 16, 2022

10 Ways Technology Has Impacted Gaming

The gaming world has evolved tremendously over the last decade. Thanks to technological advancements, it is one of the fastest-growing industries globally. In 2020, the industry realized revenues of $155 billion. It’s projected to hit $260 billion by 2025.

From 3100 BC, when Egyptians discovered one of the first historical board games, to the 1980s when video games hit mainstream, people have enjoyed games in entirely different ways.

Today's gamers can enjoy 3D graphics, voice control, and even virtual reality, among other groundbreaking technological advancements. In the same breath, virtual currency such as Lost Ark gold is becoming a thing.

Here are 10 ways technology has impacted the gaming world:

1.High-Definition Displays

Today, top-notch displays allow gamers to immerse themselves in video games like never before.

4K and HD resolutions give graphics better clarity and sharpness. They also increase the visible details in an image, ensuring gamers don't deal with the frustration of working a game with blurry, distorted, or pixelated graphics.

This means that you can enjoy a more realistic gaming experience that is certainly more fulfilling.

2.Higher Frame per Second

People who played video games in the 1980s understand the frustrations of playing a game with a low FPS monitor. It's easy for a low fps monitor to kill your gaming mood with choppy movements and maddening lag time when pressing your keyboard or controller buttons.

Modern gaming monitors offer at least 60fps, meaning gamers enjoy faster responsiveness and generally smoother gameplay. Again, all thanks to technology, screens in today's era produce and refresh images per second faster. This allows smoother motion and realistic reflexes, which are important during combat or shooter games.

When high-definition displays are coupled with higher FPS screens, it's pretty easy not to realize the day has gone by as you're stuck in your gaming chair!

3.Mobile Gaming

Mobile gaming technology has been around for quite a while. Its main perk is that it allows gaming beyond the stationary console. The flexibility of playing a game from anywhere is not appreciated enough when pointing out the impact of technology in the gaming world.

For you to understand the impact of this tech, it is essential to learn about some staggering mobile gaming statistics.

In 2018, 74% of money spent on mobile applications was spent on game apps. Users spent over 95% on in-app purchases and 5% on paid games. In 2020, mobile game users spent over 16 billion. The amount multiplied severally in 2021 where mobile game consumer spending reached $116 billion. It is estimated to increase to $138 billion by 2025!

4.Voice Recognition Technology

One of the earliest implementations of voice recognition technology was the software, Siri. As soon as smartphones with voice controls hit the market, voice recognition technology started popping up everywhere, including in our cars and smart home gadgets.

Voice-controlled gaming came as no surprise to the tech survey. Today, you can use voice commands to turn your console on or off, browse through gaming libraries or interact with those in the gaming community!

Like HD resolution and higher FPS, voice recognition technology makes playing any game more immersive. It gives gamers a more realistic feel and dramatically enhances their experience. Integrating voice technology into gaming is simply mind-blowing. Note that developers have to anticipate different scenarios in a million possible sequences for the tech to work.

5.Facial Recognition Technology

Another impressive reality brought forth by technology is facial recognition. Finally! You can have a custom avatar that resembles you. The avatar can even adapt to your emotions and make expressions in your likeness, thanks to tech that allows scanning your face in 78 different angles.

Another impact of facial recognition technology is enhanced security. Kid's addiction to gaming is a menace we have to live with in the modern age. Parents who want to limit the number of hours their children spend gaming can benefit from this tech.

There is software that makes it impossible to start a game without first verifying a player's identity. Similar programs also help cut down suspicious financial transactions made by unauthorized persons to enhance their gaming gear or give their avatars more character.

6.Virtual Reality

Another tech that is transforming the gaming world is virtual reality. VR gaming is the application of a 3D artificial environment that allows gamers to transition from the real-world environment. Realistic and immersive simulation gives gamers a new twist to their user experience, allowing them to explore a game literally.

Developers have come a long way in their attempts to give gamers the most realistic experience. At first, the best thing that could happen to a gamer is to play from a projector room equipped with multiple screens.

Shortly after, virtual reality gaming evolved to allow realistic visuals with the compulsory use of physical controls like game controllers or the standard mouse and keyboard. Currently, developers can give users heightened freedom of movement and immersion into the virtual world by using motion-sensing controllers.

7.Wearable Gaming

In today's gaming landscape, you can find a whole range of wearable gaming devices, including VR headsets, controller sticks, wearable gaming bodysuits, and smartwatches, just to mention a few. The global wearable technology market is fast growing because of the high demand for gadgets that enhance the gaming experience. According to reports, the wearable tech industry will have an estimated worth of $170.91 Billion by 2025.

Wearable gaming devices give gamers a sophisticated user experience. They integrate elements in-built in the gadgets with motion sensors or gesture trackers. Essentially, they serve as impressive extensions to your gaming console!

8.Cloud Gaming

You have probably heard about Microsoft (News - Alert) xCloud and Google Stadia, the most popular cloud gaming services.

Well, cloud gaming, also known as game streaming, allows you to play from a different device even as the actual game runs on the remote server. Just like storing your files on a cloud and accessing them from any device, cloud gaming offers the same benefits. Irrespective of the demands of a game, you can play it on any machine.

Cloud gaming comes in handy for those that don't have access to the best gaming machines, like an expensive gaming PC. Most software options work similarly to streaming services such as Amazon Prime and Netflix. The only difference is that they are designed for video games, not TV shows or movies.

Once you pay your monthly subscription, you get access to a virtual machine that does the heavy lifting as you play your sole away on your decade-old laptop. Your flimsy device will not even run hot or freeze under the weight of whatever game you choose to play.

9.Augmented Reality


Augmented reality allows gamers to play games with their immediate surroundings and computer graphics combined. You can use AR goggles for a more realistic experience or your phone's camera. Either way, augmented reality offers a clever way to manipulate the world in front of you.

Even though some people argue that AR is pretty similar to VR (virtual reality), this is not exactly true. While VR creates a synthetic virtual world that you can view through VR goggles, AR combines both computer-generated elements and your real world.

10.Gesture Control Technology

Gesture control technology allows you to put your controllers aside and experience a real feel of navigating a game. It creates a "natural" user interface that allows your computer system to interpret your body movements. Essentially, this eliminates the need for direct physical contact with your controllers.


Technology has brought rapid expansions in the gaming experience where the line between art and real life is pretty blurry. Each innovation assures gamers of more entertainment, and today’s games are more immersive. The current trends imply that the best is yet to come!

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