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June 21, 2024

How The Technology Of Modern Life Has Revolutionised The Life Insurance Industry

Life is a curious adventure. We can plan for certain parts of it and work our way towards eventually achieving what once seemed so far away and unattainable if we stay the course. Other parts are the opposite; they come at us out of the blue and leave us to deal with the aftermath, like it or not. This aspect of the journey makes life exciting and unpredictable, especially if the unexpected events are pleasant. If they’re not, the thrill can often turn to desperation, but we are not powerless to protect ourselves and our loved ones against unwanted outcomes. Life insurance is something we have probably all considered and felt the need to acquire, yet so many of us drop the ball and don’t bother.

Using technology to our advantage in sourcing life insurance

Luckily, technology and the ability to easily compare and contrast life insurance policies have made everything much more straightforward. Unlike days when we would have to spend time and effort in the company of a never-ending procession of agents to source quotes to compare, we now have the power at our fingertips. With a few clicks on our favourite devices, we are presented with a raft of similar life insurance policies to analyse side-by-side and choose from. 

The process now takes so little time and effort that we can no longer claim we don’t have time to deal with it. Modern-day life insurance policies can be surprisingly affordable, perhaps due to this seismic power shift towards the consumer and their choices.

Do I even need life insurance?

Life insurance represents one of those unique opportunities where we can do our best to protect others when it will already be useless to us. Any worst-case scenario that sees a life insurance policy become eligible to pay out means we have expired unexpectedly or been diagnosed with an unsurvivable illness. Either way, the repercussions for our dependents and loved ones can be catastrophic, and it is them that we protect by spending the time and money it takes to obtain a comprehensive policy. Even basic life insurance will provide those we leave behind with ample financial assistance to live on in the manner to which they have grown accustomed. It is a sobering thought, but some slight relief for them in their bereavement.

Eligibility for life insurance

As with all policies, life insurance requires us to jump through the requisite hoops and is not without restrictions, exemptions, and caveats. Although many insurance providers are remarkably similar, examining the fine print of any policy carefully before parting with any money is critical. You can generally assume the following requirements to be a factor:

  • Pre-existing medical conditions
  • Age
  • Permanent residency or citizenship
  • High-risk occupations
  • Dangerous pastimes and activities

Final thoughts on life insurance

The future is unknown, but we don’t have to head into it without protecting our loved ones against disaster. Taking out decent life insurance is a simple, relatively inexpensive way to lift the weight from your collective shoulders and get on with the business of enjoying life.

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