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Q. R. Payne Mega Corporation Passes Seven Figure Threshold in First Year of Business
[February 11, 2020]

Q. R. Payne Mega Corporation Passes Seven Figure Threshold in First Year of Business

Q. R. Payne Mega Corporation joined the business enterprise last year as a holding corporation, and has since then grown aggressively. One spotlight entity that Q. R. Payne Mega Corp. holds stake in is All Hours Company L.L.C, a music marketing firm that has posted positive value to the Corporation's overall net worth.

All Hours Company L.L.C is a music marketing firm that caters to independent music recording artists. In 2019, All Hours Co. raked in a majority of its revenue from artist management splits, and music streaming platforms. Streams are the new album sales in the music industry, and All Hours Co. had no problem generating millions. Songs like Trust Issue, written by Tajh Virgil, and I'll Wait, written by Pharaoh Washington lead the way in 2019 and accounted for more than 2.2 million of the company's total count.

Other entities uch as Quad Seasons Outdoor Care, and Quron Payne Music L.L.C, also contribute to the corporation's growth in 2019. Quad Season Outdoor Care, a landscaping company, brought in most of its revenue throughout the summer and fall; and Payne's music catalog (Quron Payne Music L.L.C) produced over 2.5 million streams through the year.

We asked Q. R. Payne Mega Corporation's CEO, Quron Payne, about this milestone and what this meant for the future of Q. R. Payne Mega Corp., and he said, "This is huge for us, we've found our niche in a market and only plan to grow it from here. We are adding more services, and plan to service more artists in the coming years. We will also continue searching for new investment opportunities to grow the Corporation."

Continued business growth and personal growth seems to go hand-and-hand for Payne as he prepares for Law School this upcoming fall. Payne is currently finishing up his undergraduate degree at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and plans to start the University Of Wisconsin-Madison's Law program shortly after graduation.

"Although I haven't received my Acceptance Letter from UW-Madison's Law School yet, all my eggs are in that basket, I will be a Badger. After my visit and after conversing with the students and faculty, University Of Wisconsin-Madison is my home," Payne said.

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