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TraceGains Success Due to Founder William R. Pape
[August 22, 2008]

TraceGains Success Due to Founder William R. Pape

William R. Pape is the Founder, Executive Vice President & Corporate Secretary of TraceGains. During the 1970’s Pape worked for the United Nations in Southeast Asia responsible for development projects in over thirty Asian countries, and was an Assistant Professor of Decision Sciences at the University of Hawaii, School of Business. Pape holds degrees from Stanford University and the University of Hawaii.

From 1982 to 1998 Pape was a VeriFone co-founder, senior manager, and corporate officer until VeriFone was sold to Hewlett Packard. VeriFone pioneered the electronic acquisition and transfer of credit card information and, at the time of the H-P acquisition, handled over 65% of the world’s daily credit card traffic. Pape was one of the first five VeriFone employees, and during his VeriFone tenure, Pape had responsibility for company operations including the technical development groups, the product marketing groups, and the information, system and controls groups. During this same period, Pape had an active public speaking schedule on the virtual corporation, a concept VeriFone pioneered. Pape authored the quarterly Virtual Manager column for Inc Technology magazine for five years, served on the board of another NASDAQ NMS company, and was a lecturer at the National Defense University at Ft. McNair Virginia.

Prior to VeriFone, Pape was a General Partner in Innovative Software Applications of Menlo Park, California where he co-designed Spellguard, the first commercial spelling checker for personal computers whose spell-check engine was licensed to other word processors world-wide and which received the first Software Product of the Year award in 1981 by InfoWorld magazine. ISA was ultimately sold to Computer Associates (News - Alert).

TraceGains, Inc. ( was founded in 1998 with a 100% focus on traceability. The company has a patented delivery system —14 patents granted and growing —and also is an Issuer of United States Department of Agriculture Process Verification Program (PVP) Label.

By providing real-time bi-directional supply chain transparency and traceability, TraceGains reduces risks to the corporation and its executives, who may become personally liable in case of a recall. Positively Assured Traceability provides the following essential capabilities:
• Continuous attribute visibility for each incoming ingredient received.
• Identity preservation across commingling, batching, blending, transformation, and re-work.
• Continuous comparison between on-floor activities, business rules, and compliancy requirements.

However, TraceGains not only adds the missing capabilities to protect food companies, its officers and executives, and consumers, but goes beyond to turn data into actionable business intelligence from the floor to the board room.

With proven solutions and hundreds of implementations, return on investment (ROI) and profitability enhancement has been independently confirmed in university studies. Companies’ bottom lines are positively affected through the following results:
• Improved operational efficiency by identifying profit leakages.
• Enhanced product consistency by pinpointing causes of variation.
• Increasing market share by assuring trading partners they are protected with actionable data.

By using Web Services to interconnect with all leading ERP, SCM, and MES systems, Positively Assured Traceability can deliver compliance with internal business rules, assurance of pedigree claims, enhanced profitability, and increased operational excellence. From the grower, aggregator, manufacturer and processor, to distribution and logistics, and finally the retailer, only TraceGains provides bi-directional unit-level (item, carton, pallet, etc.) traceability while boosting profitability and cost-effectively improving operational excellence.

TraceGains Inc.
Marc Simony, Director of Marketing
[email protected]

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